


Zuguang Gu

Sample data set

The chordDiagram function can be used with an adjacency matrix or a data frame. In the following block of code a sample matrix and its equivalent data frame is shown.

m <- matrix(sample(15, 15), 5, 3)
rownames(m) <- paste0("Row", 1:5)
colnames(m) <- paste0("Col", 1:3)

# Or use a data frame
df <- data.frame(from = rep(rownames(m), ncol(m)),
                 to = rep(colnames(m), each = nrow(m)),
                 value = as.vector(m))

Basic chord diagram

Given a matrix or a data frame you can pass it to the chordDiagram function of the circlize package. The function will connect the values of the matrix with arcs assigning random colors for each arc every time you run the function.

# install.packages("circlize")


# Restart circular layout parameters

Basic chord diagram in R

Color customization

Chord diagram color with circlize

Grid colors

The colors representing each columns or rows of the matrix can be customized passing a named vector to the grid.col argument of the function.

# install.packages("circlize")

colors <- c(Col1 = "lightgrey", Col2 = "grey",
            Col3 = "darkgrey", Row1 = "#FF410D",
            Row2 = "#6EE2FF", Row3 = "#F7C530",
            Row4 = "#95CC5E", Row5 = "#D0DFE6")

chordDiagram(m, grid.col = colors)

Circlize chord diagram transparency


The transparency argument controls the level of transparency of the arcs, the lower the more opaque the color. The default value is 0.5.

# install.packages("circlize")

colors <- c(Col1 = "lightgrey", Col2 = "grey",
            Col3 = "darkgrey", Row1 = "#FF410D",
            Row2 = "#6EE2FF", Row3 = "#F7C530",
            Row4 = "#95CC5E", Row5 = "#D0DFE6")

chordDiagram(m, grid.col = colors,
             transparency = 0.2)

Chord diagram arc link colors

Link colors

The colors of the links can be controlled with the col argument. You will need to specify as many colors as the number of elements of the matrix. Alternatively you can use row.col and column.col.

# install.packages("circlize")

colors <- c(Col1 = "red", Col2 = "green",
            Col3 = "blue", Row1 = "#FF410D",
            Row2 = "#6EE2FF", Row3 = "#F7C530",
            Row4 = "#95CC5E", Row5 = "#D0DFE6")

chordDiagram(m, grid.col = colors,
             col = hcl.colors(15))

Chord color ramp palette in R

Using a color ramp palette

Note that the col argument also admits a color function created with colorRamp2, as shown in the example below.

# install.packages("circlize")

colors <- c(Col1 = "red", Col2 = "green",
            Col3 = "blue", Row1 = "#FF410D",
            Row2 = "#6EE2FF", Row3 = "#F7C530",
            Row4 = "#95CC5E", Row5 = "#D0DFE6")
cols <- colorRamp2(range(m), c("#E5FFFF", "#003FFF"))

chordDiagram(m, grid.col = colors, col = cols)

Link border customization

Link borders

The border of the links can be customized with link.lwd, link.lty and link.border for width, type and color of the link lines.

# install.packages("circlize")

cols <- hcl.colors(15, "Temps")

             col = cols,
             transparency = 0.1,
             link.lwd = 1,    # Line width
             link.lty = 1,    # Line type
             link.border = 1) # Border color


Border color chord diagram arcs

Border of specific rows

It should be noted that the link.border argument accepts a matrix as input. In the following example we are highlighting the third row of the matrix.

# install.packages("circlize")

cols <- hcl.colors(15, "Geyser")
mb <- matrix("black", nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(m))
rownames(mb) <- rownames(m)[3] # Third row
colnames(mb) <- colnames(m)

             col = cols,
             transparency = 0.1,
             link.lwd = 2,     # Line width
             link.lty = 2,     # Line type
             link.border = mb) # Border color


Highlight arcs chord diagram in R

Diagram tracks

By default, the function draws a track with sector names and a track containing the grid and the axis.

circlize annotationTrack in R

Grid track

Setting annotationTrack = "grid" will add only the grid. The height of the track can be customized with annotationTrackHeight.

# install.packages("circlize")

chordDiagram(m, column.col = c("red", "green", "blue"),
             annotationTrack = "grid",
             annotationTrackHeight = c(0.04, 0.02))


Remove the axis from the chord diagram

Names and grid track

You can also draw the names and the grid but not the axis.

# install.packages("circlize")

chordDiagram(m, column.col = c("red", "green", "blue"),
             annotationTrack =  c("name", "grid"))


R chord diagram without track

No track

Finally, if you want to remove the track set the annotationTrack argument to NULL.

# install.packages("circlize")

chordDiagram(m, column.col = c("red", "green", "blue"),
             annotationTrack = NULL)


See also