Waterfall charts in ggplot2 with waterfalls package




Hugh Parsonage

Sample data set

Consider the following data set that contains two variables that represent values and its corresponding event, date or group.

# install.packages("ggalluvial")

group <- LETTERS[1:6]
value <- c(2000, 4000, 2000,
           -1500, -1000, -2500)
df <- data.frame(x = group, y = value) 

Waterfall graph

In order to create a waterfall chart in ggplot2 making use of the waterfalls package you can pass your data frame with groups and values or pass the vectors to the values and labels arguments of the waterfall function.

# install.packages("waterfalls")


# Equivalent to:
waterfall(values = value, labels = group)

Waterfall chart in ggplot2

Calculate the total

Setting the argument calc_total to TRUE the final pool will be calculated and a new rectangle will be added to the chart containing the result. You can change the axis name of this rectangle with total_axis_text.

# install.packages("waterfalls")

waterfall(df, calc_total = TRUE)

Waterfall chart in ggplot2 with waterfalls

Rectangles width

Note that the rect_width argument controls the width of the rectangles. The default value is 0.7.

# install.packages("waterfalls")

waterfall(df, rect_width = 0.4)

Width of the rectangles of the waterfall chart in ggplot2

Remove lines between rectangles

Between successive rectangles there are dashed lines joining the rectangles. You can remove them setting draw_lines to FALSE.

# install.packages("waterfalls")

waterfall(df, draw_lines = FALSE)

waterfall function in R

Lines type

If you want to keep the lines between the rectangles but prefer to change its line type you can change it with the linetype argument.

# install.packages("waterfalls")

waterfall(df, linetype = 1)

Create waterfall charts in ggplot2

Color customization

Custom colors of the rectangles of the waterfall graph

Fill the rectangles with custom colors

By default fill_by_sign = TRUE, so the positive and negative values will each have the same color. If you set this argument to FALSE you can set custom colors with the fill_colours argument.

# install.packages("waterfalls")

          fill_by_sign = FALSE,
          fill_colours = 2:7)

Total rectangle colors

Total rectangle colors

If you added the total with calc_total = TRUE you can change the color of the rectangle with total_rect_color and the color of its text with total_rect_text_color.

# install.packages("waterfalls")

waterfall(df, calc_total = TRUE,
          total_rect_color = "orange",
          total_rect_text_color = "white")

Change the border color of the rectangles of the waterfall function

Border color

Note that you can also change the color of the border of the rectangles. If you set them to NA no borders will be displayed, as shown below.

# install.packages("waterfalls")

waterfall(df, rect_border = NA)

Waterfall chart in ggplot2

Change the theme

Finally, as the package is based on ggplot2 you can add more layers to it, as a title, subtitle or change the default theme, as shown below, among other customizations.

# install.packages("waterfalls")
# install.packages("ggplot2)

waterfall(df) +

See also