


David Gibbs

catplot function

The CatterPlots package contains several functions to create plots with cats. The most basic function is catplot, which can be used to create a plot with a single cat image. Note that the cats can be chosen selecting a number between 1 and 11 (see the following section for clarification).

# install.packages("remotes")
# remotes::install_github("Gibbsdavidl/CatterPlots")

# Sample data
x <- seq(0, 15, 0.5)
y <- sin(x)

catplot(x, y,
        cat = 2,       # Cat type
        catcolor = 2,  # Color of the cat
        type = "line", # "line" or "justcats"
        linecolor = 1) # Color of the line

catplot function in R

In case you want to add more cats over your previous chart you can use the cats function, which behaves similar to the points function, but will need to pass the catplot object to the function and the new coordinates and arguments.

# install.packages("remotes")
# remotes::install_github("Gibbsdavidl/CatterPlots")

# Sample data 
x <- seq(0, 15, 0.5)
y <- sin(x)

obj <- catplot(x, y,
        cat = 2,
        catcolor = 2,
        type = "line")

# Adding more cats!
cats(obj,      # catplot object
     4.5, 0.8, # Coordinates
     cat = 3,
     catcolor = 3)

Adding more cats to a plot in R

Additionally, the morecats function allows adding even more cats with different colors and shapes.

# install.packages("remotes")
# remotes::install_github("Gibbsdavidl/CatterPlots")

# Sample data
x <- seq(0, 15, 0.5)
y <- sin(x)

obj <- catplot(x, y,
       cat = 2,
       catcolor = 2,
       type = "line")

# Adding more cats!
morecats(obj,       # catplot object
         x, cos(x), # Coordinates
         cat = 1:11,
         catcolor = 1:11,
         type = "line")

morecats function in R

multicat function

An alternative to catplot is multicat. This function allows specifying more than one cat type at once. As it is possible to create the same output as with catplot, we would recommend using this function, as it provides more flexibility.

Using the multicat function from CatterPlots to add several cats in R

# install.packages("remotes")
# remotes::install_github("Gibbsdavidl/CatterPlots")

grid <- expand.grid(0.5:3.5, 0.5:2.5)
x <- grid$Var1
y <-  grid$Var2

multicat(xs = x, ys = y, # Coordinates
         cat = 1:11,     # Cat type
         catcolor = 1,   # Cat color
         size = 0.15)    # Cat size

rainbowCats function

Finally, the package contains a function named rainbowCats to create a Nyan Cat plot in R, as shown below:

# install.packages("remotes")
# remotes::install_github("Gibbsdavidl/CatterPlots")

# Data
x <- -10:10
y <- -x ^ 2

# Plot
rainbowCats(x, y,
            yspread = 0.05,
            xspread = 0.05,
            ptsize = 2,
            catshiftx = 0.5,
            catshifty = -0.1,
            canvas = c(0, 1.5, -1, 1.5))

rainbowCats function in R

See also