


William Revelle

corPlot function from psych package

The corPlot function is very useful for visualizing a correlation matrix. Consider the longley data set and pass some of its columns to the function. You could also use the select argument to select the subset of variables.

# install.packages("psych")

corPlot(longley[, 2:5])

corPlot with psych package in R

By default, the function display the full names of the columns (if fit). If you want to display only some letters set min.length to the desired number. You can also set custom labels with labels.

# install.packages("psych")

corPlot(longley[, 2:5],
        min.length = 3)

Correlation plot labels in R

Correlation values and scales

corPlot without correlation values

No correlation displayed

Set numbers = FALSE to avoid displaying the correlation values.

# install.packages("psych")

corPlot(longley[, 2:5],
        numbers = FALSE)

Font size of correlation plot in R

Correlation text size

The default text size is too big for some use cases. Modify the font size with cex.

# install.packages("psych")

corPlot(longley[, 2:5],
        cex = 1.25)

corPlot function without scaled correlation values

Correlation text of the same size

If you don’t like the scaled correlations text set scale = FALSE.

# install.packages("psych")

corPlot(longley[, 2:5],
        scale = FALSE)

Correlation plot in R with significance stars

Correlation with significance levels

Show significance levels with astricks setting stars = TRUE.

# install.packages("psych")

corPlot(longley[, 2:5],
        stars = TRUE)

Correlation plot with values scaled to p-values

Correlation scaled to p-values

If you prefer scaling the correlation texts to p-values instead of correlation set pval = TRUE.

# install.packages("psych")

corPlot(longley[, 2:5],
        pval = TRUE)

Diagonal and upper panel

Remove the diagonal

It is possible to remove the diagonal of the correlation matrix with diag = FALSE.

# install.packages("psych")

corPlot(longley[, 2:5],
        diag = FALSE)

Correlation plot without the diagonal

Remove the upper panel

You can also remove the upper panel with upper = FALSE. Note that the plot box will still displayed.

# install.packages("psych")

corPlot(longley[, 2:5],
        upper = FALSE)

corPlot without the upper panel in R

Color palette

Custom color palette in corPlot from psych package

The default color palette can be customized passing a color ramp palette to gr argument as in the example below.

# install.packages("psych")

corPlot(longley[, 2:5],
        gr = colorRampPalette(heat.colors(40)))

Color transparency in corPlot

Note that the transparency of the color palette can also be customized with alpha. The default value is alpha = 0.75.

# install.packages("psych")

corPlot(longley[, 2:5],
        alpha = 0.25)

corPlot function gray scale

There is also an argument named colors which converts the default color palette to a gray scale.

# install.packages("psych")

corPlot(longley[, 2:5],
        colors = FALSE)

See also